
#!/bin/sh # Modifier Options mod="Mod1" primary=$mod secondary="$primary+Shift" tertiary="$secondary+Control" # ScratchPads MusicTag=$((1 << 10 )) TopTag=11 # Launch on startup riverctl spawn 'foot ncmpcpp' riverctl spawn foot riverctl spawn firefox #riverctl spawn dbus-daemon --session --address=unix:path=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/bus riverctl spawn mako riverctl spawn 'eww daemon' riverctl spawn 'eww open time' # Primary bindings riverctl map normal $primary Return spawn foot riverctl map normal $primary Q close riverctl map normal $primary N spawn fuzzel riverctl map normal Mod4 E exit riverctl map normal $primary Tab Return zoom riverctl map normal $primary M toggle-focused-tags $MusicTag riverctl map normal $primary Tab zoom # TODO: Bind to scroll wheel #riverctl map normal $mod focus-view next #riverctl map normal $mod E focus-view previous # Secondary Bindings riverctl map normal $secondary M set-view-tags $MusicTag # move/resize riverctl map-pointer normal $mod BTN_LEFT move-view riverctl map-pointer normal $mod BTN_RIGHT resize-view # toggle float/fullscreen riverctl map normal $mod Space toggle-float riverctl map normal $mod F toggle-fullscreen # multi-output TODO: Bind to jkl; riverctl map normal $mod Period focus-output next riverctl map normal $mod Comma focus-output previous riverctl map normal $mod+Shift Period send-to-output next riverctl map normal $mod+Shift Comma send-to-output previous # screenshots riverctl map normal $mod C spawn 'grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy' riverctl map normal $secondary C spawn '/etc/nixos/common/scripts/wlrootsScreen....

2 min · Wyatt Osterling


{pkgs, config, ...}: { services.kanshi = { enable = true; systemdTarget = ""; profiles = { normal = { outputs = [ #{ # criteria = "DP-2"; # status = "disable"; #} { criteria = "HDMI-A-1"; position = "900,1440"; } ]; }; }; }; }

1 min · Wyatt Osterling


{pkgs, ...}:{ home.packages = with pkgs; [ fuzzel ]; imports = [ ./waybar.nix ./sway.nix ./mako.nix ./kanshi.nix ]; }

1 min · Wyatt Osterling


{pkgs, config, ...}: { programs.mako = { enable = true; }; }

1 min · Wyatt Osterling


{pkgs, ...}: let menu = "wofi -f -S run -i"; modifier = "Mod4"; in { home.packages = with pkgs; [ wofi ]; home.sessionVariables = { MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND = "1"; MOZ_USE_XINPUT2 = "1"; XDG_SESSION_TYPE = "wayland"; XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP = "sway"; }; wayland.windowManager.sway = { enable = true; wrapperFeatures.gtk = true; config = { window = { border = 4; commands = [ { command = '' move to workspace "discord" ''; criteria = { title = "....

2 min · Wyatt Osterling


{config, pkgs, ...}: { programs.waybar = { enable = true; settings = [{ modules = {}; modules-left = ["river/tags"]; }]; }; }

1 min · Wyatt Osterling